Competitive Ratios for Different Specialities 2022

Hello, I am Dr. Shaheen Shaik, an IMG from India. I am preparing for PLAB 1 and simultaneously for MRCP 1. In this blog, I will be briefing you about the competitive ratios for different specialities in 2022. Before we begin, let's have an idea about what we are gonna talk about.

The doctor's training pathway is broadly classified into 3 levels:

1. Foundation training

2. Core training

3. Speciality training

Broadly specialities are classified into 2:

1. Uncoupled training for which doctors have to complete the core training or competencies for the same

2. Run-through for which doctors get to apply for the speciality training without the core training. E.g., radiology, ophthalmology, paediatrics.

Let me list out some of the common specialities for easy reference:


1. OBG 2. Paediatrics 3. Ophthalmology 4. Radiology 5. Cardiothoracic Surgery 6. GP 7. Neurosurgery


1. Acute Internal Medicine 2. Cardiology 3. Anaesthesia 4. Emergency Medicine 5. Gastroenterology 6. Hematology 7. Neurology 8. Respiratory Medicine 9. Plastic Surgery 10. Rheumatology 11. Urology 12. ENT

Competitive ratios are usually number of people applying for the post of a particular speciality who bagged the post.

Competitive ratios for 2022:

For better placement of things. I'm categorizing things into specialities with ratios less than 10 and more than 10.

1. Specialtities with ratios <10

A. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery ST3: 1.08

B. GP ST1: 2.07

C. Paediatrics ST1: 2.35

D. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery ST1: 2.43

E. Internal Medicine Training CT1: 2.45

F. Histopathology: 2.55

G. Core Surgical Training: 3.70

H. OBG ST1: 3.72

I. Ophthalmology ST3: 3.86

J. Core Psychiatry Training: 3.88

K. Anaesthesia CT1: 4.19

L. ACCS Emergency Medicine CT1, ST1: 4.45

M. Clinical Cardiology ST1: 6.18

N. Thoracic Surgery ST4: 6.33

O. Nuclear Medicine ST3: 7.50

P. Ophthalmology ST1: 8.97

2. Specialties with ratios >10

1. Public Health ST1: 11.42

2. Community and Sexual Reproductive Health ST1: 15.31

3. Neurosurgery ST1: 15.94

4. Cardiothoracic Surgery ST1: 19.57

5. Cardiothoracic Surgery ST3: 23.50

6. Neurosurgery ST2: 53.00

These are the ratios for round 1 of recruitment, and the round 2 ratios will be mentioned on the official website.

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