Hi, my name is Siddharth and I am a TrewLink Community Ambassador. I am also a final year medical student at Charles University, Czech Republic and aspire to work as a doctor for the NHS upon graduation. In this article, I am going to guide you through the EPIC verification process for GMC registration. You may also want to read our blog on GMC registration - STEP 2 - EPIC verification of PMQ by the ECFMG to find out more.
What is EPIC?
Electronic Portfolio of International Credentials (EPIC) is the electronic portal with which the Education Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) will ensure all the papers you’ve submitted regarding your primary medical qualification are legitimate and can send the verification to a registered organization (for example, the GMC in our case).
When should the EPIC be done for GMC registration?
It should be done as soon as possible when you are applying for a GMC registration. It is not needed to write the PLAB exams. Ideally, it should be done right after gaining your primary medical qualification as the process may take time. This verification never expires and is always valid, however, the report sent to the GMC is only valid for 1 year.
Create an EPIC account on the official website.
It is a simple procedure and can be done on the official website. Then upload the following documents according to the guidance published on the website:
A scanned, full-colour copy of the photograph page of your current, unexpired passport.
A scanned, full-colour copy of the page that contains your passport expiration date, if applicable.
A scanned, full-colour copy of the section of your passport that is in Latin characters, if applicable.
A full-colour photograph of yourself.
Information about your medical education, including your medical school identification number (if applicable) and attendance and degree issue dates.
Your medical licensure information, including any identification numbers.
Your USMLE/ECFMG Identification Number (if you have one).
Your ECFMG International Credentials Services (EICS) Identification Number (if you have one).
This step includes a payable fee of $130.
Get the EIF (EPIC Identification form) certified by NotaryCam
The EPIC Identification form will be available in your EPIC account once you upload all the documents. You will be emailed a link to NotaryCam (with login and password), wherein your EIF will get certified. This is done via video call with a notary officer. (eg. Skype etc).
Uploading your credentials
After the EIF certification via NotaryCam, the next step is to upload your credentials. Your Primary Medical Qualification certificate (PMQ) if via the PLAB route, and both PMQ and acceptable Postgraduate Qualification certificate if via the PG qualification route for GMC registration.
Each credential costs $100.
Primary Source Verification
When you upload a qualification to EPIC, it will first be checked by the ECFMG. If the qualification is acceptable, ECFMG will send it to the issuing institution (in most cases, it is your medical college) for verification. This sending can be free which you can not track, but maybe for a fee you will be able to track. ECFMG will also send you an e-mail confirming that the qualification has been sent. You can monitor your EPIC Account throughout the verification process to check the status of your qualification. Once your qualification has been sent for verification, you may proceed to the next step. You can pay $30 for them to send in a trackable package.
Submitting the application for registration to the GMC
Once your PMQ has been sent for verification, ECFMG will send you an email confirming the same. In addition, you also provide your EPIC ID to the GMC. The status of this process can be monitored by logging into your EPIC account.
Completion of Verification
Your institution’s student section/ principal’s office will take part in this. They should handle the signatures and stamps required. It should be sent back to the ECFMG via post with your institution as the sender of the post. Once verification of your qualification has been received and the ECFMG has confirmed that the qualification is authentic, ECFMG will confirm this with the GMC. ECFMG will also notify you by e-mail that your qualification has been verified and it will also be updated online.
What is the approximate total cost of this procedure?
$130 (for opening an online EPIC account) + $100 (for uploading your credentials) + $30 (for the trackable package) = $260
How long can the procedure take to be completed?
The first 3 steps can be completed within 3 to 4 days. Later stages depend on the postage and your institution’s response time. Usually, it doesn’t take more than a month but it can take anywhere between 2 weeks and 3 months. It operates at its own pace.
Getting your PMQ verified by EPIC is a crucial part of the process and has to be completed.
References and further reading
Special Instructions and FAQ for Doctors Applying to Practice in the United Kingdom
GMC registration - STEP 2 - EPIC verification of PMQ by the ECFMG
EPIC verification for GMC Registration - Road To UK
If you have any questions about EPIC verification, I would be happy to answer them at trewlink.com.
All the best,
Written by Siddharth
Edited by Julia