Everything You Need to Know About the ALS Course in the UK

Hello, I am Dr. Rushin Parekh. I am an IMG from India, and I cleared my PLAB 1 in February and will be traveling to the UK soon for my PLAB 2. In today's blog, I am going to share with you everything you need to know about the ALS course in the UK.

Why should you do an ALS course in the UK?

Firstly, ALS certification from the UK is highly regarded internationally.

Secondly, ALS certification has become almost a necessity these days if you are looking for Jobs in the UK, and since it demonstrates your commitment to continuous learning and improving patient care, it also adds value to your CV.

Lastly, by acquiring ALS skills, healthcare professionals become better equipped to provide prompt and effective interventions during medical emergencies, potentially saving lives and improving patient outcomes.

It is also important to note that these ALS courses are updated regularly to reflect the latest advancements in resuscitation science, making sure that healthcare professionals stay current with the best practices in their field.

Where to register?

To register for an ALS course, head over to https://www.resus.org.uk , which is the official website of Resuscitation Council UK; where under the section of "Training Courses", you will be able to select the course you want to register for, here we are looking for "ALS: 2 Day Course" under the "Adult Life Support Training" section.

Once you have selected the course, depending on which area you want to do your course, you will have to contact the Course Center Organiser for that area. They will email you the necessary details along with the cost and other requirements.

Anything else I need to know?

It is a 2-day course at the end of which you would be tested on the knowledge and the experience you gained during the course. Now, coming to the Cost of the course. Although it varies on certain factors, like the Center you choose to do the course at, or if you want to do the course distantly in the form of eALS, the ALS course can cost you anywhere between £550 to £650.

Need more help?

If you have any questions or need any assistance, please do not hesitate to ask me at the TrewLink website; if you are yet to register for TrewLink, you can use this link https://trewlink.com?referrer=got96414 to register yourself. TrewLink is the home away from home for all IMGs. You can follow me on the TrewLink page to receive regular updates and support.