Mastering your job searching skills: how to create NHS profile and find your perfect job

Hi, I am Siri, an NHS doctor from India working as SHO in General Medicine. In today's blog article, I am going to share with you some tips and tricks on how to improve your job searching skills and find a job in the NHS.

Applying to the jobs is through an NHS account/Trac jobs

In order to start your job search, you need to create an account on the NHS website and mention everything in detail about your career. It is a straightforward process where you should put all the details of your courses, achievements, examinations, and work experiences. The NHS profile will be the same for every job you apply for, but you have to make sure that you mention essential criteria according to the job description in supporting information. We heard many rumours of doctors over social media about the difficulty in getting jobs, but jobs depend on availability in the hospitals and your previous experience. That is why I would like to give you some useful tips that will help you in mastering your NHS profile and finding the right job.

NHS profile

1. Personal information

You need to mention all your personal information, including name, address, phone number, email(s), right to work in the UK/visa status etc.

2. Qualifications

You should enter all the detailed educational and professional qualifications and training courses attended.

3. Employment history

You need to explain your work experience and mention in detail your duties and responsibilities. You can also include your internship and clinical attachment experience.

4. Referees

Make sure you have three referees who would give a good reference if contacted by your potential employer. You will need to mention your referees' emails and phone numbers so that once you get the offer, they could be contacted through email or phone.

5. Supporting information

You have to go through the job description advertised on the website and should mention why you are suitable for the job. Go through every line in the essential criteria and tailor it accordingly in your supporting information.

How to find the perfect job?

So, once you have got the registration, you need to search for a suitable job on the NHS website. Most of the IMGs who cleared the PLAB exams will have to apply for the trust grade/non-training jobs which are equivalent to Foundation year 2.

The job titles for doctors, who are applying after PLAB are:

  • Foundation Year 2 (FY2) Trust grade

  • Clinical teaching fellow

  • Senior House Officer (SHO)

  • Clinical Fellow (CT/ST-1/2)

You need to search with these titles and apply them to each and every job. Apply as many as you can, and check the dates of applications frequently. Make sure you are applying to your desired specialities.

You should also need to apply based on your competencies. Your main aim is to get your CREST form signed and apply for training positions. The jobs you are applying for are non-training/trust grade jobs. In order to be eligible to apply for any raining pathway, you will have to work 6-12 months to get used to the system and apply for training pathways according to your desired speciality.

If you are struggling to find a job, widen your job search and check different websites:

TrewLink has a wide range of different jobs too. You can find them in the 'Jobs' section on TrewLink is a free platform for IMGs and you can apply for as many jobs as you like. In order for TrewLink to help you, you need to register on the website, upload your most up-to-date CV, and let the TrewLink team know exactly what you are looking for. Different roles are available in a variety of locations, this includes SHO, registrar and consultant roles.

Important things to consider while applying for jobs:

1. Always apply for jobs based on your grade.

2. Please check the job description, and see the dates of the application.

3. Enquire about the hospital if you know anyone, and try to post on any social media to ask about the hospital and the staff.

4. Make your profile stands out, try to do online medical courses and build your CV. Mention all the duties you have done in your previous job and/or internship in detail. Please read more about How to write a CV for NHS jobs and CV for NHS jobs – 10 Do’s and Don’ts

5. Once you get an interview, prepare for it in detail. Please read this blog post written by NHS doctors about interview preparation skills - Preparing for NHS interviews - Guidance, Advice and Top tips

6. Do not get depressed if you are not getting any interviews, please check your profile and apply for as many jobs as you can. You can ask your seniors to review your CV of someone who works in the NHS. You can also ask our community experts to review your CV for free. Please write and submit your request 'Review my CV' at, and one of the TrewLink experts will come back to you in a couple of days.

7. Try to have a minimum of three referees, who can give a good reference.

8. Training and non-training jobs are different. Read more here about the difference.

9. Clinical attachment is not compulsory, but if you have NHS experience it looks good on your CV. Try to do it if you have an opportunity. Read more here - How to get a UK clinical attachment

Need tips on how to improve your CV?

1. Watch free webinars on CV boosting tips with the BMA and Dr Adam Jakes. You can access both webinars for free on in the 'Rewards' section.

2. Read blog posts on CV writing skills: How to write a CV for NHS jobs and CV for NHS jobs – 10 Do’s and Don’ts

3. Use TrewLink smart CV builder.

4. Ask TrewLink community experts to review your CV.

I hope this blog was helpful.

If you have any questions about NHS jobs, I would be happy to answer them at


Good luck,

Dr Siri