Hi, my name is Ans Malek. I am an IMG from Libya, and I started my first NHS job in the UK last August as an Emergency Medicine Doctor in Aberystwyth, Wales. In today's blog, I am going to tell you about my experience of the first NHS job, which I hope will help you to settle and get into the NHS work system.
I will discuss in this blog the following:
- Specifics of Emergency Medicine
- First days in the hospital
Specifics of Emergency Medicine
I started my first NHS job as a clinical fellow in Emergency medicine; in this department, you will see every case that gets to the hospital in various specialties such as medicine, surgery, pediatrics, orthopedics, and gynecology.
Your job is to receive the case, take history, examination, and send the related investigations as well as set the treatment; if the patient needs a further assessment or an admission, you will refer the patient to the caring specialty.
I found Emergency Medicine to be a very useful specialty for my experience as I got to know a variety of conditions and how to deal with every condition, as well as how to discuss and refer the patient to the higher specialties in the hospital.
First day in the hospital
My first day in the hospital was good; I got to introduce myself to the service manager, HR, the consultant, and the registrars. I also had to know the nurse supervisor and the team leader for that day in the Emergency department.
I started my first day observing the senior doctors how to deal with patients, and I tried to take my chance, so I saw two different patients with my own and then discussed them with one of my seniors before discharging them. It was a lovely and exciting first step as a doctor in one of the NHS hospitals.
Need more tips and advice?
If you have any questions about your first job in the NHS, I would be more than happy to answer them at trewlink.com. Find me as an Ambassador/Expert and Follow my profile – Ans Malek - to receive regular support and advice.