PLAB 2 visa: How to ensure your application is successful

Hi, my name is Prem. I am an IMG from India, and I have recently received my PLAB 2 visa to the UK. In today's blog, I am going to tell you about my experience of applying for the PLAB 2 visa, which I hope will help make your application successful too.

First of all, congratulations on passing the PLAB 1 exam! The next step is the PLAB 2 exam, which is held in the UK only and for which you will need a UK visa.

To make the PLAB 2 journey easier, the TrewLink Academy has launched its very own PLAB 2 Online course that includes high-quality lectures and recordings of each PLAB chapter taught by UK doctors and ex-OSCE examiners. This is an intensive instructor-led coaching programme, covering the highest yield topics and scenarios seen in PLAB 2. History taking, diagnosis, management, communication and counselling stations are all dealt with as well as practical skills. You can now prepare for PLAB 2 at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home.


PLAB 2 visa requirements

  • Standard Visitor Visa - Business visa (To take the Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board (PLAB) test or the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE)). You can apply via other visa options if you fit under any other category.

  • Fill out an Online Application form for the required type of Visa.

  • Cover letter

  • All necessary supporting documents


  1. Fill out an Online Application form for the required type of visa.

  2. Complete payment. Here you can apply for priority if needed. I went with a priority visa, which cost an additional expense of 23,247 rupees and received my visa in 6 days. You do not have to pay extra for priority, only if you wish to receive the decision on your application faster or if you do not have a standard 15 days to wait for the decision to be made.

  3. Book an appointment for biometrics via VFS - A link will be given once you have completed the application form. You will also be asked to provide documents to support your application. You can either upload the documents yourself or do this at the visa centre. I had to pay additional 1000 rupees for scanning assistance at the VFS. You can upload the documents on your own at home to avoid this expense but it was really convenient and helpful. There are also multiple options such as bronze, gold, and platinum packages that you can choose as per your convenience by paying extra. I chose the bronze package.

  4. Your visa issue date will be a few days ahead of the date of travel you mentioned in your cover letter.

My visa application

  • Name, DOB, Visa ID, Passport ID

  • Travel Information (Main Purpose for Travel): To take the Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board (PLAB) part 2 test that is scheduled on _____ in Manchester. This exam is held only in the UK and in no other country.

  • Travel information (Make sure to explain this very clearly in your cover letter. Keep the trip as short as possible, it gives a better chance of securing the visa)

  • Personal Information: Home Address, Mobile Number

  • Passport details

  • Parent details: Father’s and Mother’s Name and DOB

  • Employment: (I was unemployed). If employed and you are sponsoring yourself, make sure to explain this in the cover letter. Attach your no objection certificate and salary certificate along with your bank details (6 months statement).

  • Expenditure: I put 2000 pounds for my 35 days trip. Note: I arranged my accommodation at my cousin’s place. So, I didn’t add any expense for accommodation. I put 1800 pounds as my expenditure for each month. I showed my bank balance as 7500 pounds (Make sure it is a minimum of 3 times the amount you will be spending for your visit).

  • Accommodation: I put my cousin’s house address as proof. You can put any address here. You don’t have to stay there particularly. This is just to see if you have planned your accommodation or not.

  • Travel History: I have a travel history to Qatar so I mentioned it here.

  • Other History: This is to check if you were involved in any Crime and/or Terrorism.

Cover Letter



Entry Clearance Officer

UK Visas & Immigration

Re: Applying for Business Visitor Visa (PLAB Visa)

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, Dr. __________ (name), Visa application reference no: ______, Passport No ______, applying for a Business Visitor Visa to appear in the PLAB Part 2 examination, which going to be held on ________ (date), Manchester, United Kingdom. I had previously appeared and passed PLAB 1 in Chennai on _________ (date).

I am a fully qualified doctor who is registered and licensed with the Gujarat Medical council, India under the registration number ______ to practice medicine.

I am also registered with the General Medical Council (GMC), UK, as a candidate to appear in PLAB 2 examination. My GMC reference number is ______. (Documentary evidence of this has been attached.)


I am applying for a Business visitor visa to appear in the PLAB part 2 examination that I wish to take on ___________ (date). This exam is held only in Manchester, UK. PLAB Part 2 examination is not held in any other country. It is the second part of licensing exam for International Medical Graduates who wish to practice medicine in the UK. I passed the PLAB part 1 examination on __________ (date) in ________________ (place) (only part 1 of the PLAB examination is held in other countries).

The General Medical Council has invited me to their Clinical Assessment Centre at 3 Hardman Street, Manchester, the United Kingdom on ___________ (date). I have also attached a confirmation from GMC for my exam invitation.

All of the above shows that I’m genuinely seeking entry into the UK as a visitor, to appear in the PLAB Part 2 examination. You may confirm my registration details with the GMC UK and my exam invitation from the General Medical Council by calling at +44 161 923 6602 or by

e-mailing them at [email protected] or [email protected].


I have worked as a doctor (Intern) in India for a year; now I want to work as a doctor in a better system where I can improve my skills even more. There is no doubt in the fact that the UK healthcare system is one of the best healthcare systems in the world. I want to make myself a better doctor by working in the UK and by learning from the doctors in the UK.

After gaining a sufficient amount of knowledge and experience as a doctor, and after serving the UK for a few years, I would like to come back to India to help the people of my country, like many others have done before me.


  • DECEMBER 2019: I graduated from St. NHL Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

  • FEBRUARY 2020: Started my Internship at SVP hospital, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

  • JULY 2020: Passed IELTS

  • FEBRUARY 2021: Finished Internship training in SVP hospital, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

  • FEBRUARY 2021: Attempted PLAB 1 in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

  • APRIL 2021: Registered as a medical practitioner under Gujarat Medical Council, India.

  • MARCH 2021: Passed PLAB 1

I plan on leaving for the UK by mid-January. The one-month practice period will be very crucial to pass PLAB 2 as it is a very difficult exam and the failure rate is very high unless proper effort is put into it. I am also planning to take the guidance of a few friends and seniors in the UK who have recently passed the PLAB 2 exam and are working under the NHS, to get acquainted with the exam and NHS protocols.

After I reach the UK, I plan on staying at my uncle’s house (Name:______) for my preparations for PLAB 2 until February 24th. The invitation letter and other necessary documents showing his support during my stay at their place are attached. He is willing to provide food and accommodation for the said period.


My Father. : (name)

Occupation :

My Mother : (name)

Occupation :

My Grandfather : (name)

My Grandmother : (name)

I live with my mother and my grandparents at our family home in ______. My father retains full ownership of the property and housing (A copy of the home utility bill and my father’s national ID are attached).

My father is self-employed and lives in Qatar. Since my father lives abroad and my mother is a full-time employee, I took the responsibility to look after my grandparents. They are physically incapable of taking care of themselves because of their health conditions. Both of my grandparents are handicapped and have recently recovered from COVID-19. I look after them personally by arranging their appointments and performing basic health check-ups myself regularly. So, I definitely have to return after my exam to take care of them as I am the only doctor in my family who understands their health issues.

My father has several properties including the building I reside in, which they have set aside for me. As my father stays in Qatar and I am the only son, it is my responsibility to look after them personally. (A copy of the affidavit declaring my parent’s properties is attached)


I have travelled to Qatar thrice in the years 2016, 2017 and 2018 to visit my father for 20 days. I have attached the proofs of those visits. During all my stays I had abided by the country’s rules and regulations and returned to my home country within a specific duration. All appropriate travel history entry and exit proof are attached.


My father, ______ will be my financial guarantor. His letter of support along with his related financial documents and an Affidavit declaring his sponsorship of my visit is attached for your consideration.

Monthly income: (Salary certificate has been attached)

Savings bank account no: (Account balance as of 3rd November 2021 has been attached)


During my course of stay in the UK, I will be staying at my uncle’s residence at ______, the United Kingdom till my exam ends. An invitation letter from (name)__ along with copies of his passport, residence permit, rental agreement and a payslip from the employer are attached.


  • Plane tickets - 700 GBP

  • Living expenses - None (as I will be staying at my uncle’s place)

  • Food - 250 GBP

  • Transport - 250 GBP

  • Hotel expense at Manchester - 200 GBP

  • Miscellaneous - 100 GBP

  • Emergency funds - 500 GBP

The amount of money that my father is willing to pay for my visit is approximately 9406 GBP and my maximum expected expense amounts to 2000 GBP. I will only be spending 21% of the total amount. So I have more than enough financial backing to finance this trip.

MY ITINERARY FOR THE UK TRIP: (Visa Application Reference No.______)

  • 15th JANUARY 2022: Departure from Chennai (Tamil Nadu, India) to London, UK.

  • 16th JANUARY 2022: Reach London, UK and travel to my accommodation (uncle’s residence) at Milton Keynes, relax and unpack.

  • 16th JANUARY TO 20TH FEBRUARY 2021: Prepare for PLAB 2 thoroughly and revise with the guidance of a few colleagues and seniors.

  • 21st FEBRUARY 2022: Travel to Manchester, UK.

  • 22nd FEBRUARY 2022: Appear in PLAB 2 examination.

  • 23rd FEBRUARY 2021: Rest and pack.

  • 24th FEBRUARY 2021: Departure from London, the UK to Chennai, India.


I am a fresh graduate and I recently completed my internship at SVP hospital. Since I have very little clinical experience, I would like to come back after my PLAB part 2 examination to work as a doctor in India to gain more clinical knowledge. This strategy will provide me with adequate experience and maturity making me a well-rounded doctor.

I can assure you that I am going to leave the UK at the end of my visit as I have a responsibility to take care of my grandparents and look after my father’s properties. I love to live with my family and I cannot emphasise how important it is for me to come back.


I am a law-abiding citizen of my country and aspire to be a sincere and hardworking doctor.

I will obey all the rules and regulations of the UK legislation. I will return within the specified frame of time. I will not overstay my visit.

I have a genuine invitation from the General Medical Council UK to appear in the PLAB Part 2 examination. I am genuinely seeking entry into the UK as a visitor.

I would be highly grateful to you if you grant me visa clearance to appear in PLAB Part 2 examination and make a success story out of my life.

Thank you for considering my application.



General Medical Council (GMC) UK Reference Number:

Gujarat Council of Medical Registration, Registration Number:

Permanent Residential Address:

Phone Number:


I have attached the following documents:

1. My passport

2. Copy of my National ID

3. A letter from relevant UK authority confirming arrangements - PLAB 2 booking confirmation from GMC UK

4. Other documents related to General Medical Council (GMC), UK:

  • My PLAB 1 passing letter and test results

  • My GMC reference number details

5. My Academic Certificates:

  • Copy of my MBBS certificate

  • Copy of Internship Completion Certificate

  • Copy of my IELTS Academic Test Report Form

6. Copy of my Full Registration with the Gujarat Medical Council (state registration under Medical Council of India)

7. Evidence of family members in my home country whilst I travel:

  • Copy of Mother’s National ID

  • Copy of Grandfather’s National ID

  • Copy of Grandmother’s National ID

8. Evidence of home address:

  • Copy of home utility bill

  • Copy of Father's National ID

9. My accommodation in the UK:

  • Invitation letter from my Uncle

  • Copy of his Passport ID, Rental Agreement, Residence Permit, Bank Statement

10. Documents related to Financial Sponsorship by my father:

  • My father’s letter of support

  • My father’s passport copy

  • My father’s bank statements for the past 6 months

  • My father’s payslips for the past 6 months

  • My father’s salary certificate

  • My father’s residence permit

  • Affidavit declaring financial sponsorship/property evaluation

11. Immigration history to Qatar (covered in the passport)

Sponsor Letter


The Entry Clearance Officer, UK Visas and Immigration 4/November/2021


Dear Sir/Madam,

I, Mr.______, working as an ______. My son, Dr. ___________________ has passed his PLAB Part 1 examination and is intending to sit in PLAB Part 2 examination in Manchester, UK. His examination will be held on _________ (date).

His details are mentioned below:


Date of Birth

Passport No.

Visa Application Reference No.

I am willing to help my son, Dr. ___________ (name), financially for his UK trip. I have a monthly income of ______ per annum and I have suitable funds to support him during his stay in the UK.

I have supported the following documents along with this letter:

1. National ID card

2. My Bank Statement for the last 6 months

3. Payslips for the last 6 months

4. Copy of my Passport

5. Affidavit of sponsorship (optional)

6. Salary certificate

7. Residential Permit (optional, I had to show cause my dad stays in Qatar)

If you require more information about my circumstances, you can contact me at my mobile number ______.

Yours faithfully

(Sign here)

Invitation Letter

(Write UK address here)

(Write date here)


The Visa Officer

British Deputy High Commission



RE: UK-Short term support letter for my cousin, Dr. _________ with passport number:______, Republic of India

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to certify that, I, ___________ will be sponsoring my cousin, Dr. ___________ for a short visit to the UK, from _____________ to ___________. The purpose of his visit is to prepare for as well as to appear in the face to face PLAB Part 2 examination to be held in Manchester on ____________.

I am working as a ______ and my annual income is around ______. I will be supporting my cousin during his entire stay in the UK, by providing accommodation and food during his stay in the UK till he returns back to India on _______________.

I have enclosed the following documents as proof that I can financially support him during his stay here:

1. Copy of my passport

2. Copy of my resident permit

3. Recent 6 months' bank account statement

4. Rental agreement

I sincerely ask you to consider my cousin’s visa application. I would be happy to provide any further information in this regard should you require it. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you need any further information using this mobile number (+44____________).

Yours Sincerely,

Full name

(Sign here)

Affidavit declaring financial sponsorship / property evaluation

  1. I, ________(Father’s name)___ son of ___(Grandfather’s name)___ of address ______ do hereby declare solemn affirmation as under:

  2. That I am a citizen of India by birth.

  3. That I am the father of _____________, Date of birth ___________, Passport No. ______, resident of __________.

  4. That I bear all his living expenses in India.

  5. That I will provide funds for his UK trip.

  6. That he will not be a burden on public funds on the Government of the United Kingdom.

  7. That he will obey all the rules and regulations of the Government of the United Kingdom.

  8. That he will return to India at the end of the visit.

  9. That I am financially sound and solvent enough and assure to meet and provide all expenditures to be incurred for the purpose of my son’s visit & examination to the UK from my following existing financial positions:

10. That the value of asset properties is calculated based on the present market rate of the locality.

11. That I do hereby undertake that, immediately after completion of my son's visit he will return to our native land India without any delay with my own arrangement and costs.

12. That the statements made above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I swear and sign this affidavit of financial support before the notary Public at ______.


Signature of deponents

This deponent is known to me, identified by me and he has signed in my presence.



  • Make sure you have a proof for everything you mention in your cover letter.

  • Your bank balance should always be 3 times the amount you are planning to spend for the trip. It is very important.

  • It's not necessary to show property owned but it helps to show ties to your home country.

  • Show evidence of family members in your home country. It could be anyone: parents, grandparents, spouse, children etc.

  • I advise strongly not to mention your academy as it is a private institute. These academies are not approved organisations to invite you to the UK.

  • If you want to go early as in 1-2 months before your test, make sure your funds are sufficient enough to support your stay. In your cover letter, you can add that due to covid it’s difficult to secure a slot so you want to be prepared thoroughly for your exam. You also need to adjust to the weather and the UK's culture. Mention that you are going early to take guidance from seniors working in the NHS, plus major sources of your preparation are nice, BNF, CKS websites and they only work in the UK.

  • Don’t book your flight tickets before you receive your visa.

  • At VFS, there is no interview. All you have to do is submit documents and do biometrics. (Note: they don’t let you carry any electrical appliances inside).

  • I would suggest going for a priority visa if affordable as there can be delays that cause unnecessary stress.

  • If employed make sure to get a no-objection letter from your employer.

Good luck!


If you have any questions about PLAB 2 visa, I would be happy to answer them at


Written by Dr Prem

Edited by Dr Julia